Jesus came to heal the broken hearted and set you free.
Jesus came to heal you physically, emotionally, spiritually, financially, relationally.
The gospel of Jesus is not just a gospel of salvation, but of complete restoration, Jesus came to set us free, for us to live in absolute freedom and connection with Him.
God created you to be you - He didn’t create you to pretend to be someone else. We have all been fashioned in the very image of God, and each of us carries God’s image. Never before has there been such an attack on people’s identities. In who God designed them to be.
There’s only one of you and there will never be another one.
When we come to Jesus, in an instant He washes away all the hurtful words spoken over us. He washes our hearts clean and cleanses our souls. When we encounter Jesus, we discover who we are and who we’ve been created to be… free!
Jesus can take away all addiction, anxiety, depression, pain and throw it into the sea of forgetfulness. Our minds will become clearer, our hearts softer and our eyes are opened to a world of hope.
We encourage you to connect your heart back to Jesus. Experience for yourself the life changing fountain of water that will spring up in your life.
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,
you will be saved.
I believe you walked the earth, died on the cross to take away the sin of the world.
Lord, I know I’ve done things that are wrong, you call it sin. Take away my sin, wash me clean.
Lord Jesus, I ask you to come and live in my heart, I give you my life. Teach me, lead me, guide me, for all my days, in Jesus name.
Dear Lord Jesus,
what next…
Get your hands on a bible
Jesus is continually speaking to us through the scriptures. These words will guide you, nourish you and fill you with understanding and wisdom. Follow the download link below to find the ‘You Version’ Bible.
Get connected to a local Church
We invite you to join us at the FHL Church or find a Church more local to you. Gathering together with believers, being encouraged by the scriptures, worshipping together and eating together. This is biblically important to our healing and growing journey.
Get alone with God
When Jesus was a man and walked the earth, even He needed to withdraw from the crowds. Find a quiet place, unplug from devices, maybe find a headland and walk through nature. Find space to connect with God. Talk to Him.
Receive the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is Jesus’ gift on earth to us, bringing understanding, guidance and power from on high. The Holy Spirit fills us with peace and empowers us to be a great witness.
Be baptised in water
The word baptise comes from the word ‘immerse’. When we immerse ourselves in the waters of baptism, it is a washing away of everything old and the mark of a new day. An outward confession of an inward decision.
"When all the people were baptized, Jesus was baptized too. As he was praying, heaven was opened." Luke 3:21
Tell someone
Share this wonderful news with someone that today you have surrendered your life to Jesus! He has been waiting for this day, so tell a friend all about it and find some crew to walk alongside you.